How Can Granular Humic Acid Help in Lawn Care?

Humus is the broken-down plant material in the soil that decomposes bugs, worms, and microbes into the most basic form. Humic acid's content can differ, but it is mostly made up of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. It is usually made from oxygen, carbon, phosphorus, sulfur, and nitrogen.

In simple words, it is nutrient-rich, which is great for plants. Soils differ based on the quantity of humus they have. It is said that sandy and unimproved clay soil lacks humus. Besides being a nutrient-dense fertilizer, granular humic acid can increase plant nutrient availability. This acid is mostly used in lawns that can help plants. In this guide, you will learn how humic acid can help lawn care.


What Are the Benefits of Granular Humic Acid for Lawn Care?

Some of the great benefits of granular humic acid for lawn care are as follows:

      It is a nutrient-rich fertilizer

      It can enhance nutrient availability in the roots of a plant

      It can assist with drought tolerance

      It can help improve chlorophyll production

      It can also enhance soil structure and water retention

      It can assist in optimizing soil pH

      There is less run-off and erosion.


Is Fulvic Acid the Same as Humic Acid?

Humic acid and fulvic acid are not much different. When you look at humic acid in molecular form, it is a little bigger compared to fulvic acid. It is also better in alkaline soils, but fulvic acids can perform well in both acidic and alkaline soils. You do not need to go out and try each of them separately.

As a matter of fact, most humic lawn products have both granular humic acid and fulvic acid. Most of the people who opt for DIYs do not require to go as far as to differentiate between humic and fulvic acid. You only need to ensure that only one or the other is listed on the label of the product you purchase.


Which is Better: Liquid or Granular Humic Acid?

Many people like to ask which is better for the soil, between liquid and granular humic acid. To keep things simple, liquid may be faster, but it is not necessary that it is better. This is due to the fact that liquid is broken down more compared to a granule. The liquid will still have particles that are quite tiny compared to a granular humic substance where you can view the pills and grains in your hand.


How Much and Often Must You Apply Humic Acid?

Compared to a humate soil conditioner, humic acid should not be applied too much to the lawn. This is because even though you will not harm the lawn with many humic acids, you will simply waste it. When you throw down more than the labeled rate, it may not hurt anything, but it will certainly be a waste that can be expensive.


Final Thoughts

If you want to take care of your lawn and improve your plants' nutrient uptake, you need to opt for granular humic acid. You can purchase the humic acid from a reputed company or manufacturer that supplies humic acid for green organic fertilizers.  


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