Treat the soil of your lawn using Humate Soil Conditioner


For changing the characteristics of the soil, a substance is used known as the soil conditioner. A very high-quality soil conditioner that is being used for ages is humic acid. It has a progressive effect on the chemical, physical and biological reactions of soil leading to a rise in microbial activity and soil fertility.


There are numerous benefits of using Humate Soil Conditioner for your lawn. The benefits are as follows:

  • It decreases the compaction levels and clay content in the soil.
  • This builds healthy organic matter.
  • This soil conditioner allows the water to enter clay soil easily.
  • This increases the soil capacity of the lawn to retain water.
  • Helps in reducing water evaporation from the soil
  • Encourages beneficial microbial activity in soils
  • It also enhances the percentage of grass seed germination

Humate has been found to be immensely beneficial in clay soils and an exceptional efficacious organic soil treatment for lawns.

Best uses of the soil conditioner

The Humate Soil Conditioner can be used for several purposes. You can apply it for increasing the seed germination percentage. When the lawn has heavyweight clay soils, then the conditioner can be used in the lawn. It can be also used if your lawn is affected by fungus. Water and humate should be applied to the lawn if the lawn is drought or heat stressed. It is highly recommended to use while transplanting trees. For a best-looking desirable lawn, there is no other better option than using humate.

Add acid to the soil

People become scared when they think of adding acid to the lawn. They start wondering whether it will harm the soil or the lawn. But Granular Humic Acid application is the secret to getting a better lawn. It is the ultimate residue of organic matter, mainly plant material which has decomposed over time and broken down in simple form by microbes. If you consider poop to be natural, organic, and good for the plants on your lawn, then consider using humic acid as the microbe poop. It is super rich, super small, and exceptional for the soil having no foul smell.

When can be applied?

The soil conditioner can be applied to the soil at any time of the year. The soil conditioner is mostly applied on the lawn prior to the summer heat. It can be applied at any time while seeding a lawn and has been proved to enhance seed germination. A lawn affected by fungus heals faster when the soil conditioner is applied. This is known for stimulating microbial activity at a deeper level in the soil right after the aeration.


If you are not satisfied with the physical and biological state of the soil of your lawn, then there is no other better option than opting for the soil conditioner that are widely in use for several years globally. The humate conditioner for the soil is considered to be a marvelous organic soil treatment as well as a microorganism stimulant. This is capable of building organic matter in the soil.


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