A complete glossary on granular humic acid

 Formed by microbial degradation, Humic acid is nothing but a combination of complex molecules which are naturally found in the soil. These molecules come from fully decomposed organic remains. The humic acid features dark brown colored chain molecules. These organic molecules are pretty heavy. In simple words, "Humic Acid" is actually a mixture of various acids which would be soluble in alkaline solutions. Apart from the soil, Humic acid is also found in oceans, streams, etc.

How are Humic acids formed?

The organic molecules coming from dead animals are used by various organisms such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and so on. These organic molecules remain in nature for a very long period of time. With this much amount of time, the chain of organic molecules will be decayed and transformed through multiple cycles. After that, what remains is called "Humus". This process of decomposition and transformation is called "Humification". Here, you should know that the Humus comprises three components such as fulvic acid, humin, and humic acid. This humic acid is pretty invaluable for soil. It can make the soil fertile easily, making it suitable for crop cultivation. The humic acid acts as a nutrient carrier between the soil and the plant. 

What are the benefits of granular humic acid?

For higher crop yield, the farmers have been using humic acid fertilizers for a long time. The granular humic acid features a number of benefits. These are-

·        Humic acid boosts the nutrient uptake of the soil.

·        Also, if you apply humic acid to the soil, it will increase the water-holding capacity of the soil.

·        For improving the overall soil structure, aqueous humic acid substances are used.

·        The fertilizer stimulates microbial activity in the soil.

·        For regulation of the pH value of the soil, people use humic acid as fertilizer.

·        Not only this, but the humic acid fertilizer also extracts toxic from the soil. It helps the soil get rid of iron chlorosis as the fertilizer boosts the iron uptake. 

·        The humic acid fertilizer is good for the overall plant health as well. It keeps the predators and diseases away. If you want good crop volume, you should invest in organic humic acid and apply it to your plants on a daily basis.

·        Last but not least, the humic acid improves the germination process as well.

What are the uses of Humic substances?

You can use the humic acid as a fertilizer for all the crops. Sometimes, to increase the organic carbon ratio of the soil, this type of humic acid fertilizer is used.

Which one is better- granular humic acid or aqueous humic substances?

Granular humic acid refers to a highly concentrated humic substance that can be applied on a crop field, vegetable garden, turf, and so on. Generally, such humic acid is derived from ancient organic remains. The aqueous humic acid is also produced chemically by decomposing ancient plants and dead animals. The liquid humic acid is not necessarily better than the granular humic substances. But, it is pretty obvious that the aqueous humic acid has the ability to break itself down further compared to the former one. This means the aqueous humic acid works much faster than the granular ones when applied to soil and plant. 

So, if you need humic acid for agricultural purposes, you should place an order for humic acid powder, humic acid granule, or humic acid crystal. Today, online stores are selling humic acids for agricultural use and medicinal uses as well.  


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