A complete glossary on granular humic acid

Formed by microbial degradation, Humic acid is nothing but a combination of complex molecules which are naturally found in the soil. These molecules come from fully decomposed organic remains. The humic acid features dark brown colored chain molecules. These organic molecules are pretty heavy. In simple words, "Humic Acid" is actually a mixture of various acids which would be soluble in alkaline solutions. Apart from the soil, Humic acid is also found in oceans, streams, etc. How are Humic acids formed? The organic molecules coming from dead animals are used by various organisms such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and so on. These organic molecules remain in nature for a very long period of time. With this much amount of time, the chain of organic molecules will be decayed and transformed through multiple cycles. After that, what remains is called "Humus". This process of decomposition and transformation is called "Humification". Here, you should know...