Pros of using Humic Acid Fertilizer:


Like us, plants also require adequate nutrition for speedy and healthy growth. These nutrients came from soil; therefore, the soil bed should be toxin-free & fertile, comprising necessary nutritional elements that promote the crop’s healthy growth. However, modern framing comprises pesticides, herbicides, etc. are applied generally to keep crops healthy and grow faster. But, these herbicides and pesticides generally comprise synthetic chemical agents, which ultimately damage the soil bed and make it toxic and less fertile. In such cases, to prevent damage to the soil ecosystem, organic fertilizer is considered the best practice so far. 


When it comes to organic fertilizer, Humic Acid Fertilizer ranks top in this category. Humic acid is the mixture of organic macromolecule compounds generally present in plant bodies' soils. This group of natural molecules derived from ‘Leonardite,’ which is again an organic substance that hasn’t reached the coal-state as well as it differs from the soft brown coal by this substance’s high oxidation degree. At present, humic acid is available in different forms and used widely for healthy growing crops.


The advantages of using fertilizer consisting of humic acid:


Humic acid ranges in the molecular size 10000-100000, combining the mixture of carbon rings and carbon chains, as well as hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other molecules. Therefore, it significantly influences soil health, improving the overall soil ecosystem. Let’s see the advantages in detail-

  • It has a great impact on improving soil texture and health by providing necessary soil nutrients elements. Humic acid even increases the water retention power of the normal soil and sandy soil by its cation-exchange capacity, making the soil bed more fertile. This organic molecule also improves the soil’s pH level, which optimizes the entire ecosystem.
  • Along with improving the soil environment, it also promotes the seeds germination process. It stimulates the seed membrane for strong rooting. Moreover, it is also has a significant role in boosting plant health. Humic Acid Fertilizer makes plants stronger to handle adverse environmental conditions by mobilizing the K absorption for regulating the opening and closing of stomata, which ultimately increase metabolism and enhance the stress handling mechanism.
  • This biomolecule also induces chlorophyll growth, stimulating the photosynthesis mechanism; which helps plants grab an adequate amount of amino acids, fats, and sugar. These nutritional compounds are crucial for the healthy growth of the rooting system tubers.
  • According to research studies, it’s been revealed that soil that contains a good percentage of humic acid can help boost microbial growth. Microbial growth is crucial in the soil ecosystem as it helps in several aspects to improve healthy plant growth and retain the soil structure the same.


The Bottomline:


Organic fertilizer consisting of humic acid is highly advantageous for improving soil health as well as plant growth. You can find this type of fertilizer from a reputable Seaweed Extract Manufacturer, which also produces a number of organic farming fertilizers. Purchasing organic fertilizer from the manufacturer is always beneficial as you get 100% pure product from experts. So, if you want to buy 100% pure organic fertilizer, you can acquire this from any trusted fertilizer manufacturer.


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