What is the role played by granular humic acid fertilizer for plant development?

At present, you will come across various humic acid products in the market for sale such as powder, granules, and liquid. Many lawn fertilizers consist of humic acid which helps to encourage the development of plants significantly. In this blog, we will talk about the benefits of granular humic acid fertilizers for plant growth and development. 1. Enhanced uptake of nutrients One notable benefit provided by humic acid fertilizers is that they help in remarkable soil amendment by enhancing the uptake of nutrients in plants. The presence of humic acid is important for the health of the vegetation as well as the economic well-being of the grower. In the absence of humic acid, some nutrients offered by the fertilizers cannot be accessed by plants resulting in the loss of money as well as the degradation of plant health. 2. Increased retention of water It is becoming vital to increase the retention of water in soils because of the changing climate of the world at present. The...